Sunday, November 29, 2009


This article is about a very serious problem which errupted in a womans life from the use of posting photos on the popular social network site facebook. Nathilie Blanchachard was on sick leave from her work for a year and a half as she was suffering from depression.however her pay has recently been stopped and she rang her employers insurance company who revealed to her after seeing pictures of her out enjoying herself on her facebook that she is actually 'available for work'.

nathilie was disgraced when she heard this and claimed how her doctor told her she needed to be getting out and doing things with her friends. she explained that although she is feeling okay at the moment it doesnt mean that she is cured and when she is not feeling okay she is very very low. she does not feel well enough for work at the moment and feels violated that people are jumping to conclusions regarding her wellbeing just because she has gotten out of her house.
she has filed a civil suit and is not giving up fighting her case as she does not believe she is in the wrong.

the above is an example of how a bit of fun and socialising can cause your problems on social networks and this woman may lose her job over it. i hope this post was of interest to readers.
the following is a link to the webpage i found this article on.

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